of inductive analysis, the embryo of cloud computing service quality assessment mechanism
is developed and established. For verification, Delphi method is employed to create a
questionnaire repeatedly until the experts reached a consensus so as to determine the services
suitable for measuring the quality of cloud computing. Therefore, the assessment mechanism
of cloud computing service quality modified in this study includes five modules, 19
processes, and 44 measurement items. Lastly, after analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is to
confirm the relative weight of measurement items, the assessment mechanism of cloud
computing service quality suitable for different cloud service suppliers is established.
The results of AHP reveal that different cloud computing service users focus on
different aspects of cloud computing service quality. The result of this study is worth the
attention of different cloud computing service suppliers (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS). The result can
not only help different cloud computing service suppliers clearly define their positions in the
market and enhance their competitive advantages, but can also meet the demands of different
cloud computing service suppliers to improve and strengthen their service quality,
particularly small-scale cloud computing service suppliers. Small-scale cloud computing
service suppliers can control and manage the corresponding measurement items based on the
result of this research. They can improve their service quality to maximize benefits by using
minimal organizational resources. Thus, they can focus all efforts on the core business to
improve efficiency and competition. The result of this research can help cloud computing
service suppliers measure their service quality, ensure cloud computing service quality to be
able to meet the requirements of users, and enhance cloud computing service quality. It can
also be used as a basis for users of cloud computing service to screen and employ cloud
computing suppliers.