Page 89 - 32.3
P. 89
NTU Management Review
Vol. 32 No. 3 Dec. 2022, 79-116
Exploring the Relationship between Suppliers’ CSR and
Customer Satisfaction in B2B Context: The Moderating Effect of
Vertical Inter-Organizational Commitment and the Moderated
Mediation Effect of Competitor Identification
B2B 情境中,供應商企業社會責任與顧客滿意度關聯性
Yu-Ching Chiao, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Hsing University
喬友慶 / 國立中興大學企業管理學系
Yu-Chen Chang, Department of Business Administration, National Chung Hsing University
張鈺臻 / 國立中興大學企業管理學系
Ching-Wei Chou, Micron Memory Taiwan Co., Ltd.
周靖偉 / 臺灣美光記憶體股份有限公司
Received 2020/8, Final revision received 2022/4
This study explores the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on firm
performance by setting customer satisfaction as a mediator, and examines the moderating
effect of vertical inter-organizational commitment and the moderated mediation effect
of competitor identification. This study collects 210 dyad-matched questionnaires
from purchasing supervisors of a Chinese multinational retailer and its suppliers in
two separate stages. The empirical results are as follows: (1) Suppliers engage more in
Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) can have better retailers’ customer satisfaction;
(2) Retailers’ customer satisfaction mediates the positive relationship between suppliers’
CSR engagement and firm performance; (3) Suppliers’ vertical inter-organizational
commitments can strengthen the positive relationship between suppliers’ CSR and
retailers’ customer satisfaction; (4) Competitor identification can strengthen the mediating
relationship between suppliers’ CSR and retailers’ customer satisfaction, furthermore
enhance suppliers’ firm performance. Finally, we discuss the above-mentioned empirical
findings, and shed light on theoretical and practical implications.
【Keywords】emerging markets, stakeholder theory, CSR, customer satisfaction