Page 55 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第2期
P. 55

NTU Management Review
                                                                     Vol. 32 No. 2 Aug. 2022, 47-84

               The Smartphone Manufacturers’ New Product Development
               Performance in the Generation Transition of Android Ecosystem:
               Exploiting Old Technologies to Enhance the Effects of Exploring

               New Technologies



               Jing-Ming Shiu, Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University
               許經明 / 國立成功大學企業管理學系
               Received 2021/4, Final revision received 2022/1

               This research analyzes the new product development performance of 11 smartphone
               manufacturers (i.e. complementors) in a total of 10 generation transitions from Éclair
               Android 2.1 to Android 10.0 in the Android ecosystem (i.e. platform-based ecosystem)
               of Google (also known as platform vendors). My analysis results show that both the
               exploitative learning in the old generation and the explorative learning in the new
               generation of Android operating systems have effectively improved smartphone
               manufacturers’ new product developments. In addition, the higher the degree of
               exploitative learning in the old generation, the more effective it is to increase the positive
               impact of explorative learning in the new generation on the smartphone manufacturers’
               new product development performance. This research supplements earlier studies in
               the discussions about the ambidexterity of complementors and the performance of new
               product development in the platform-based ecosystem theory.

              【Keywords】Android ecosystem, ambidexterity, explorative learning, exploitative learning,


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