Research Findings and Prospect for Workplace Deviant Behavior:
A Review of 2000-2015 Studies with Asian Samples
1. Introduction
In the 1990s, management scholars began to investigate the dark side of employee
workplace behaviors, including counterproductive work behaviors, dysfunctional work
behaviors, organizational misbehavior, and deviant workplace behavior. Among others,
Robinson and Bennett (1995) proposed a conceptual framework to categorize these
behaviors. They defined deviant workplace behavior as intentional, negative behaviors by
employees that clearly violate organizational norms, policies, and rules, and threaten the
welfare of other employees. Research on deviant workplace behavior has been abundant in
the West, while Asian scholars only recently started to examine this phenomenon. The
purpose of this study is to conduct a more complete analysis of research using Asian
respondents so that we can advance our knowledge of the related findings in Asia.
2. Samples and Study Procedure
To review the accumulated studies of deviant workplace behavior using Asia samples,
we chose to review both academic journals both in Taiwan and in the West. We included all
journals listed in the management and psychology category of the Taiwan Social Science
Citation Index (TSSCI). Furthermore, we adopted highly influential management journals in
the West along with journals that have a special emphasis on cross-cultural and/or Chinese
culture. As a result, we included the following 15 Western journals: the
Academy of
Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, the Asia Pacific Journal of
Management, Human Relations, the Journal of Applied Psychology, the Journal of
International Business Studies, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Occupational and
Organizational Psychology, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Journal of
Vocational Behavior, Management and Organization Review, Organization Science,
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and the
Shu-Cheng Steve Chi
, Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Hsin-Hsin Lo
, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chien Hsin University of Science and
Shin-Guang Liang
, Assistant Professor, Department of Logistics Management, National Defense
Hsi-Fang Lai
, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Chih-Chieh Chu
, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University