4.3 Reconstructing the Construct Domain
Having based our analysis on Robinson and Bennett (1995) framework, we discovered
that some constructs of deviant workplace behavior proposed after 1995 were absent from
their model. We included these new constructs in our study, such as abusive supervision,
incivility, and bullying. We suggest that the construct domain of deviant workplace behavior
should be reconstructed to include newly developed concepts.
4.4 Integration of Constructive Deviance Perspective
Based on Robinson and Bennett (1995) definition, deviant workplace behavior is
negative in nature. However, Warren (2003) challenged this definition, proposing that
employees’ deviations from organizational norms and regulations may include behaviors that
are constructive to organizations. For example, whistle-blowing is generally considered to be
a positive deviance. In other words, we should examine in the future what criteria should be
used to define a person’s “deviance”. Since organizations may have multiple stakeholders, it
may be that the same behavior is negative for one stakeholder but positive for another one.
We suggest that both positive and negative behavior should be incorporated into the overall
workplace deviance model.
4.5 Study Limitation
This study examined 81 empirical articles on deviant workplace behavior published in
the TSSCI list and in 15 high-quality Western journals. We believe that the recent emergence
of the Chinese economy has increased interest in Chinese organizational behavior and in
employees’ deviant behavior in Chinese contexts. Our study results can provide references
for scholars who wish to examine organizational phenomena in Asia generally and in greater
China specifically.