Page 148 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 148

The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure of Unaudited Earnings by Listed Company on Market Observation
               Post System

                       表 4 影響管理當局是否自願性揭露自結損益決定因素之迴歸結果
               Dependent    Predicted              (1)                         (2)
               Variable                        Logit Model                 Probit Model
               DECLAER 1                Coefficient  Marginal Effect  Coefficient  Marginal Effect
               NCO              +         0.1058 *      0.0078        0.0712 **      0.0100
                                         (1.42)                      (1.82)
               SIZE             +         0.6560 ***    0.0484        0.3450 ***     0.0485
                                        (17.62)                     (17.56)
               COR              ?        -0.0055        -0.0004       0.0134         0.0019
                                         (-0.06)                     (0.28)
               BHAR             -        -0.2755 ***    -0.0203      -0.1350 **      -0.0190
                                         (-2.45)                     (-2.32)
               PROFIT           +         2.3832 ***    0.1757        1.1141 ***     0.1566
                                         (7.28)                      (6.93)
               DEBT             +         0.0797        0.0059        0.0140         0.0020
                                         (0.32)                      (0.11)
               FAMILY           -        -0.1203 **     -0.0089      -0.0808 **      -0.0114
                                         (-1.65)                     (-2.12)
               INSTI            +        -0.4363 *      -0.0322      -0.0964         -0.0135
                                         (-1.35)                     (-0.56)
               MGT              -        -0.0548        -0.0040       0.0171         0.0024
                                         (-0.22)                     (0.13)
               BOARD            ?         0.0360 **     0.0027        0.0169 *       0.0024
                                         (2.02)                      (1.76)
               INDBOARD         ?        -0.4838 **     -0.0357      -0.2574 **      -0.0362
                                         (-2.07)                     (-2.13)
               _cons                    -15.1950 ***                 -7.9509 ***
                                       (-18.91)                     (-21.21)
                                           Yes                          Yes
               YEAR EFFECT
                                           Yes                          Yes
               IND EFFECT
               N                       12,115                       12,115
               Pseudo R 2                  19.63%                       19.48%
               LR chi 2                 1,522.46 ***                 1,510.63 ***
               chi  p-value                (0.00)                       (0.00)
               註:變數定義詳見表 1。
                   括弧內代表 z 值,顯著值 * p < 0.1、** p < 0.05、*** p < 0.01,各項變數若有預期方向,其為單

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