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1. Interest rate derivatives: the pricing of High-yield notes; the valuation of general types of

interest rate swaps; the pricing of interest rate cap agreements; the determination of

interest rate swaps (IRS) spreads; the pricing of Taiwan’s treasury bond futures with

quality options; the valuation of quanto interest rate exchange options; pricing the

average interest rate call options; valuing quanto average interest rate options in a

lognormal interest rate market model; and the valuation of Asian interest rate options

within the BGM model.

2. Currency and Cross-currency derivatives: the valuation of equity swaps and swaptions;

pricing quanto Forward-start Asian options; and the valuation of quanto derivatives under

the Bi-variate GARCH model.

3. Credit derivatives: the valuation of covered warrants under default risk; pricing credit

default swaps (CDS) under counterparty risk; the valuation of European vulnerable

options; and the prediction of default risk using the barrier option valuation approach.

4. Weather derivatives: pricing weather derivatives in an incomplete market; the valuation

of catastrophe futures call options, catastrophe PCS call spreads, and catastrophe bonds in

Markov jump diffusion models; the valuation of hurricane derivatives in a warming

environment; and the pricing of precipitation options.

5. Others: the valuation of Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) under prepayment risk and

default risk; the valuation of a participating policy containing a surrender option; pricing

variable life insurance; pricing the option embedded in a defined benefit pension plan; the

valuation of rate of return guarantees under a defined contribution pension plan; pricing

deposit insurance under regulatory forbearance; and the valuation of survivor swaps.

We next review the types of derivatives priced in Taiwan as follows:

1. Forward and futures: the pricing of currency futures under an incomplete market; the

derivation of intertemporal futures pricing formulae; the determination of initial margins

of futures contracts; and the pricing of agricultural futures.

2. Path-dependent derivatives: pricing barrier options under the stochastic volatility model;

the pricing and static hedging of barrier options and lookback options; the valuation of

American average strike options using the binomial tree method; pricing Asian options

under the geometric compound Poisson process.

3. Design and the block building of exotic derivatives: the design and pricing of American

discrete barrier options with a stochastic rebate; the design of rebate options; the design

and pricing of reset options; and the decomposition of convertible bond asset swaps.