目錄 Contents |
Editor's Note |
V |
Introduction to Special Issue-Service Science:Innovation, Design, Management, Sustainability and Competitive Advantage |
Changing Japanese Management? A Discussion of the Development of Work-Life Balance in Japan |
1 |
服務主導邏輯之共同生產:前置因素與結果因素 Co-Production in Service-Dominant Logic: Antecedents and Consequences |
25 |
廠商在多重市場接觸下,競爭者行動如何影響其新產品上市速度與績效的關係 How Competitors' Actions Affect the Relationship between New Product Launch Speed and Firm Performance in Multimarket Contact? |
63 |
精品潛在顧客面對服務接觸缺失的自我修復行為研究 A Study of the Self-Recovery Behavior of Prospects to the Provider's Service Encounter Failure in the Luxury Goods Industry |
99 |
建構服務創新的制度工作 Institutional Work in Building Service Innovation |
129 |
產學合作之價值創造與交換:「教學-研究-服務」整合個案之歷程與反思 Academia-Industry Collaboration: Reflections on a Case Study and its Research Process through the Integration of Teaching, Research, and Service |
155 |
知覺品質、知覺價值與行為意圖關係之研究-交易成本觀點 Perceived Quality, Perceived Value, and Behavior Intention from the Perspective of Transaction Cost |
191 |
服務創新與設計之健康照護服務設計規劃模式:以遠距照護為例 Healthcare Service Design Planning Model for Service Innovation and Design: The Case of Tele-Health |
225 |
台灣衍生性金融商品定價、避險與套利文獻回顧與展望 Review and Prospects of Taiwan Derivatives Research: Pricing, Hedging,and Arbitrage |
255 |
亞洲地區審計品質研究回顧 Review of Studies on Audit Quality in Asia |
305 |
審計委員會權益薪酬之決定因素 The Determinants of Equity Compensation for Audit Committee Members |
363 |
會計對法規與實務的影響 Call for Papers & Guidelines |
395 |
財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
397 |