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We then turn to a review of the derivatives pricing models used in Taiwan. Beyond the

classic Black-Scholes model, the models applied by Taiwanese scholars include: constant

elasticity of variance model, jump diffusion model, variance gamma model, stochastic

volatility model, GARCH model, Markov jump diffusion model, Levy model, and GARCH-

Levy model.

Finally, the pricing methods used in Taiwan derivates research are discussed. Aside

from the derivations of analytical form solutions, the numerical methods utilized in Taiwan

are listed as follows.

1. Lattice approach: the general CRR binomial model; the Bi-variate tree method for

approximating equity and interest rate processes; building a binomial tree for the LIBOR

market model, the forward price lattice model for pricing quanto options under stochastic

interest rates; constructing the Edgeworth GARCH binomial tree; and building the

implied volatility tree.

2. Monte Carlo simulation method: variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo

simulations; pricing American options and Euro-convertible bonds using the Monte Carlo

simulation method; and pricing American options using the least squares Monte Carlo


3. Others: using the fast Fourier transform method for option pricing; the valuation of

barrier options with the recursive integral method; pricing employee stock options using

the dynamic programing method; pricing options with the genetic adaptive neural

network approach; the valuation of options using the grey relational analysis; and pricing

European option using the fuzzy set theory.

3. Review of Derivatives Hedging and Arbitrage Literature in Taiwan

As more and more derivative products are being employed to hedge risks among

different financial transactions, relevant studies about derivatives hedging have exhibited fast

growth over the past years. We divide the related literature into two categories.

1. Forward and futures hedging: the main research topics in this aspect focus on how to

calculate the optimal hedging ratios in order to obtain the best hedging effectiveness. We

then conduct a literature survey according to different underlying assets such as index

futures, currency futures, and physical goods futures.

2. Options hedging: there are many research topics concerning options hedging. We select

some popular topics included in the literature survey, like warrants hedging, stock options

hedging, and exotic options hedging.