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NTU Management Review Vol. 33 No. 2 Aug. 2023
Author Biography
Po-Han Chien
Po-Han Chien will join the Finance Ph.D. program at Northwestern Kellogg this fall.
She obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Business Administration and
obtained her master’s degree from the Department of Finance, both at National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan. She served as Professor Ling-Chieh Kung’s research assistant
to work on this research project when she was an undergraduate student.
*Ling-Chieh Kung
Ling-Chieh Kung is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of
Information Management, National Taiwan University. One of his research interests
is to apply theoretical economic modeling and analysis to study the design, pricing,
and contracting problems of multi-sided platforms and digital goods/services. He has
published journal articles in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,
European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society,
Transportation Research Part E, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters,
Computers and Operations Research, among others. He obtained his doctoral degree
from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of
California, Berkeley, USA. He obtained his master’s and bachelor’s degrees both from the
Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
We thank the audience at the Management Concepts and Applications Conference in 2021 for their
feedback and comments. We especially thank Yuan-Mao Kao for helping us proofread this work and
providing valuable suggestions. This work is supported by National Science and Technology Council of
Taiwan under the project number MOST 109-2410-H-002-084-MY2.