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In summary, the four dimensions in the RM-BSC indicated a strong causal

relationship between the goals and performance indicators of the dimensions. When

confronted with substantial pressure from competition and diverse customer needs, large

organizations require effective driving power, both horizontally and vertically, to provide a

thorough presentation of corporate strength. FHCs require appropriate goals and

performance evaluation indicators to be established through strategic thinking and

blueprinting. Customer orientation should be used for establishing operational goals,

determining corporate development directions, and prioritizing company tasks. Positive

communication and execution are used as management and controlling tools in financial

holdings. Thus, inside-out and top-down links can be strongly established.

4.2 Discussion and Implications

Theoretically and practically, BSC performance evaluation indicators should be

established through a rigorous process that is in accordance with organizational strategies

and goals. In this study, the BSC performance dimensions were not established in line

with current practice, which requires the participation of senior managers. The results of

this study can be applied only to FHCs and their employees. The proposed risk

management model serves as a reference for professionals. Explicit programs are

unavailable in current performance evaluation systems for FHCs. Rather, performance is

typically analyzed according to the numbers and results associated with indicators. In

other words, most such data are partial because the indicators are designed to meet higher

authorities’ requirements within certain periods, and thus, do not reflect overall

performance. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to establish a BSC-based

performance evaluation model that contains risk factors.

Choi and Mueller (1992) asserted that financial and nonfinancial factors as well as

quantitative and qualitative indicators warrant equal attention. Ulrich, Zenger, and

Smallwood (1999) indicated that leadership risks should explicitly link leader attributes to

company performance in identifying attributes correlated with performance. According to


Glossary of Performance Terms

, performance management includes organizational

performance and relevant concerns at any level that require an in-depth understanding and

instant action. Kotter (1996) asserted that senior managers’ primary responsibility is to

establish appropriate goals, strategies, and designs when organizations must address

changes. On the basis of the mentioned elements and purposes, we conducted a review of

the relevant literature and implemented the RM-BSC in our study of financial holdings.