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Although certain study procedures can be conducted only through long-term

implementation in financial holdings, the findings have the following implications:

(a) Past enterprise performance evaluations have tended to focus on financial

indicators. The present study proposes a practical approach for preventing FHCs

from overemphasizing particular objective indictors and underestimating critical

subjective indicators in the customer as well as learning and growth dimensions.

(b) In addition to involving key factors in the operation execution process, the

RM-BSC should be implemented according to an organization’s strategies and

goals. Regarding risk management, coordination and communication between

head offices and branches are insufficient, operational evaluation standards are

required, policies are changeable, and a consensus among employees is lacking.

Therefore, reciprocal communication among employees at all levels is necessary

(Asif and Sargeant, 2000). Regarding leadership, FHCs are typically larger than

other types of companies. Therefore, to facilitate operational processes for

management and risk reduction, standardized and regulated procedures are


(c) To establish an effective risk management system for banks, pressure tests can be

conducted periodically on exposures to assess potential losses in extremely

unfavorable cases. Accordingly, preparations can be made for such occasions.

Before pressure tests are conducted, pressure conditions must be measured by

evaluating past reductions in market liquidity and major incidents resulting from

a chain effect of various factors.

(d) The primary income resources of Taiwan’s security companies are brokerage and

credit transactions. The correlations among derivative financial instruments, the

profit before tax of securities dealers, and the turnover of centralized trading

markets are negative. This indicates that the diversity in development is a crucial

factor for security companies in earning steady profits. FHCs can spread risk by

conducting cross-industry business, thus reducing overall risk.

To maximize market niches, enterprises must rapidly adapt strategies for addressing

environmental changes. Insight into implementation effects and their reflection on the four

dimensions are crucial for contemporary enterprise execution strategies. Although

discussions and the literature on the importance of risk management are abundant and

enterprises’ investments in risk management are considerable, in most cases, attention is

directed to risk management to fulfill legal requirements. In risk management, intuition