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As the three legal institutions (

Legal, Right

, and


) are highly correlated

with each other, we examine the potential effects of multicollinearity among them by

developing an aggregate legal institutional measure (


) using the first principle

component of the three legal factors. The regression results, which are reported in Table 6,

are similar to those in Table 5. The coefficients of


are positively and

significantly associated with all of the dividend payout ratios except


. More

importantly, the coefficients of


are negatively and significantly

associated with all four dividend payout ratios. This suggests that the positive association

between dividend payouts and control divergence that is documented by Faccio et al.

(2001) becomes less pronounced in countries with better investor protection, especially

when the investment opportunities are good.


4.2 Sensitivity Tests

We perform three sensitivity tests to verify the documented relationships and report

the results in Table 6. First, as 29% of the observations in our sample are from the United

Kingdom and 17% are from Japan, the regression results may be driven by these two

countries. However, the deletion of the observations from the United Kingdom and Japan

does not change our main results (shown in column (1) of Table 6).

Second, since our sample period covers 1990 to 2000, the regression results may be

affected by the Asian financial crisis that occurred in 1997-1998. To eliminate the effects

of the financial crisis on the dividend decisions of controlling shareholders, we exclude

the observations from 1997 and 1998 from Asia and the results remain unchanged as

shown in column (2) of Table 6.

The fact that our sample includes multiple firm-years for the same firm may bias the

regression results. To address this issue, we use the Fama-MacBeth method to calculate the

annual regressions, and the results remain unchanged as shown in column (3) of Table 6.

6 The (unreported) regression results on the dividend payout ratios before adjustment for industry effects



produce similar results.