Page 111 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 111

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

               Table 3  The Effects of the Characteristics and Behaviors of Streamer on Paid
                       Gifting in Live-Streaming
                       Product                          Dependent   Streamers'     Streamers'
               Studies          Theory       Methodology
                       Domain                           Variable   Behaviors       Characteristics
               Wan et al.  YY live-  Social-technical  Questionnaire  Emotional   ●  Interaction with   ●  Personaliza-
               (2017)  streaming  systems and   design/   attachment/  viewers       tion
                                attachment   Structural   Functional   ●  Providing   ●  Sociability
                                theory       equation   dependence/  information value
                                             modeling   Donate Intent
               Yu et al.   TV Live-  Theory of social  Dataset  Gift-sending  ●  Chatting with the   ╳
               (2018)  streaming  interaction           behavior     viewers
               Wohn and  eSport   Theory of   Questionnaire  Gift-sending  ●  Streamer's worth  ●  Attractive-
               Freeman  game    emotional    design     intention                    ness
               (2020)  in Live-  attachment and
                       streaming  attractiven-ess
               Zhang et  Live video  Reciprocity  In-depth   Gift-sending  ●  Communicating   ╳
               al. (2019) streaming          interview  intention    with the viewers
                                                                   ●  Reciprocal

               This study  Douyu.  Theory    Web Crawling/ Gift-sending  ●  Chatting with the   ●  Gender
                       com (food  of Social   Hierarchical   behavior  viewers     ●  Outward
                       streamer   psychology and  Bayesian         ●  Responses to   beauty
                       in live-   host style  Model                  viewers' questions  Host style:
                       streaming)                                  ●  Sharing food   ●  Sociability
                                                                     features      ●  Comic
                                                                   ●  Cooking skill   ●  Persuasive
                                                                   ●  Tasting experience

               28,575 comments, and 44,787.3 RMB of gift values. The average gift value across all live
               streaming is equal to 4,478.7 RMB, and the average comment volume is 2,857.5 per live

                   The data includes the time-varying behaviors of viewers per second in each food live
               stream, such as sending comments or gifts in danmaku (Zhou et al., 2019). We collect all
               recordings of danmaku in the DouYu live-streaming website using the obs web crawler
               program (, which can crawl through both

               historical comment contents and the numbers of gifts sent during each live stream. We
               calculate the number of comments in each live stream from the release period, including

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