Page 107 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 107

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

                            Table 1 The Effects of Comment Metrics on Revenues
               Studies                   Method         Comment    Effects of Comment Metrics
               Godes and     TV show     Web Crawling/   Volume and  Valence increases TV ratings
               Mayzlin (2004)            Regression     valence

               Dellarocas et   Movies    Web Crawling/   Volume and  Both volume and valence
               al. (2007)                Bass model     valence    increase box office revenue

               Duan et al.   Movies      Web Crawling/   Volume and  Both volume and valence
               (2008)                    3SLS           valence    increase box office revenue
               Chintagunta et  Movies    Web Crawling /  Volume and  Valence increases TV ratings
               al. (2010)                Regression     valence

               Moon, Bergey,  Movies     Web Crawling/   Volume and  Volume decreases satisfaction
               and Iacobucci             Regression     valence
               Wang and Yu   Social media Questionnaire   Volume and  Both volume and valence
               (2017)                    design/        valence    increase box office revenue
               This study    A live-     Web Crawling/  Volume and  Both volume and valence
                             streaming   Hierarchical   valence    increase gift-sending behavior
                             website     Bayesian Model            under the specific conditions of
                                                                   the streamer's characteristics

               2.3 Impact of Viewers' Discrete Emotional Comments on Viewers' Paid Gifting
                   Emotions are “a mental state of readiness that arises from cognitive appraisals
               of events or thoughts” (Bagozzi, Gopinath, and Nyer, 1999). Discrete emotion theory
               suggests that emotions include numerous positive (e.g., joy, surprise, amusement,

               entertainment, enjoyment, interest, and happiness) and negative emotions (e.g., sadness,
               anger, anxiety, surprise, fear, frustration, and disappointment) delineated as semantic
               epithets (Teixeira, Wedel, and Pieters, 2012). Emotions play a vital role in comments
               since the emotion expressed in a user's comment affects directly toward specific purchase

               experiences (Yin et al., 2014). Table 2 lists recent studies regarding the effects of viewers'
               emotions on paid gifting during live streaming. Phonthanukitithaworn and Sellitto (2017),
               for example, state that viewers feel excitement and joy when using Facebook to watch live
               sports telecasts, and these emotions indirectly affect their behavioral intentions. Similarly,

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