Page 113 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 113

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

               streamer behavior occurs. Moreover, DouYu offers several types of gifts as donations, and
               the value of each gift is different. However, Zhou et al. (2019) only calculate the number
               of gifts, which might have produced significant measurement errors. This study revises the
               coding of the gift values according to the gift values provided by the DouYu website (See

               the appendix).
                   This study extracts the following attributes for each live-stream show on food
               products: (1) reviewer ID, (2) time at which viewers post a comment, (3) time at which

               the streamer receives a gift, (4) content of the comments, and (5) the characteristics
               and behaviors of the streamers. Information extracted from viewers’ comments can be
               classified in terms of volume and valence. Besides, discrete emotion is extracted from the
               content of viewers’ comments.

               3.2 Sentiment Analysis
                   Given the wide variations in the features of various social media platforms, this study
               performs a sentiment analysis of the emotional features of comments on live-streaming
               platforms. We divide the viewers’ comments into eight categories as follows: volume,

               positive, negative, excited, amused, ridiculing, complaining, and disappointed. Because
               the danmaku appeared in the 10 streaming channels are written in Chinese, this study
               adopts the package jiebaR  to perform word segmentation. To identify the valence (i.e.,
               positive, negative, and neutral) and emotion (i.e., excited, amused, praising, complaining,

               disappointed, and ridiculing) of a word, we adopt the text segmentation technique. First,
               we use an emotion dictionary code called the “National Taiwan University Semantic
               Dictionary in tmcn  (Li, 2019)” to infer the valence and emotion of a word. Second, we
               mark the words with the valence or the emotion. This study calculates the volumes of

               the total comments, positive comments, negative comments, and comments with various
               discrete emotions every second. At the end of this procedure, a final coding is assigned to

                 6   Package “jiebaR” is a vetted package that provides Chinese text segmentation, keyword extraction,
                    and speech tagging. Proir studies have adopted this package (e.g., Zhou et al., 2019).
                 7   Package “tmcn” is also a vetted package that provides the text mining toolkit for simplified Chinese,
                    which includes facilities for Chinese string processing, Chinese NLP supporting, encoding detecting
                    and converting. Moreover, it provides some functions to support the ‘tm’ package in Chinese. This
                    package has been widely used in practice.

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