Page 108 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 108

Internet Celebrity Economy: Exploring the Value of Viewers’ Comment Features and Live Streamers’
               Marketing Strategies in Forecasting Revenue

               the higher the viewers' interest in a streamer, the more likely they are to donate to that
               content creator (Wan et al., 2017). However, these studies have not adequately addressed
               the impact of distinct emotions on paid gifting and which discrete emotions embedded in
               comments have a greater influence on gift-sending behavior.

                   Table 2 The Effects of Viewers' Emotions on Paid Gifting in Live-Streaming

                Studies         Media      Theory      Method                   Discrete Emotions
                Phonthanukititha- Facebook   Purposive   Questionnaire  Behavioral   ● Excitement
                worn and Sellitto   (Live   needs,     design/       Intention  ● Joyful
                (2017)          Telecasts of  emotion,   Structural
                                the EPL)   social      equation
                                           camaraderie,  modeling
                Wan et al. (2017)  YY platform  Social-  Questionnaire  Intent to   ● Interesting
                                (a live-   technical   design/       donate to
                                streaming   systems and  Structural   content
                                video      attachment   equation     creator
                                website)   theory      modeling
                Zhou et al. (2019) Douyu.  Social      Web Crawling/  Gift-     ● Excitement
                                com (a live-  interaction   Regression  sending
                                streaming   theory                   behavior
                This study      Douyu.     Discrete    Web Crawling/  Gift-     Positive emotion:
                                com (a live-  emotion  Hierarchical   sending   ● Excitement
                                streaming              Bayesian      behavior   ● Amused
                                website)               Model                    ● Praising
                                                                                Negative emotion:
                                                                                ● Complaining
                                                                                ● Disappointed
                                                                                ● Ridiculing

                    Several prior studies have indicated that online product reviews influence sales and

               performance. For instance, Chen and Teng (2013) highlight the importance of online store
               owners’ ability to provide entertaining interfaces for their online shoppers. Tang and Zhu
               (2019) show that when consumers perceive that a product has high risk, praise-embedded
               comments by other users on an O2O (online to offline) website, which would positively
               impact their intentions to purchase the product. On the other hand, mismanaged com-

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