Page 105 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 105

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

               gifts are bought from the live-streaming platform using real-world money. This latest
               internet technology (i.e. virtual paid gifting) has contributed a new business model to the
               gift economy (Zhang et al., 2019). Figure 1 is an image of a typical live-streaming channel
               captured from DouYu (, one of China's most famous live-streaming platforms

               (Zhou et al., 2019). In the live-streaming platform, viewers can send comments or virtual
               gifts in danmaku.
                   While viewers in China are fairly familiar with the paid gifting function, and paid

               gifting also contributes a large amount of revenue to firms running the live-streaming
               platforms (Zhou et al., 2019); however, paid gifting is relatively new in the western
               markets, and some US-based live streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube Live,
               have just begun generating revenue from this concept in recent years (Bearne, 2017).

                                      Figure 1 Channel Page on DouYu

                   In addition to the novel feature of paid gifting, live streaming platforms are quite

               distinct from each other in terms of their streaming contents, primary sources of revenue,
               or interactive functions. Twitch, for example, livestreams various games and offers
               interactive functions similar to those of DouYu (e.g., the streamer interacts with the

                 4   Danmaku is shown in the comments in Figure 1, which means that viewers can post their comments
                    while watching a live stream. The subtitles will be displayed in real-time when all viewers watch the
                    live stream, thus increasing the interaction between the viewers.

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