Page 100 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 100

The Effects of Halved Imputation Tax Credits and Wealthy Tax on the Dividend Policies of Listed Companies:
               A Comparative Study of Family and Non-Family Firms in Taiwan

                                             Author Biography
               Ming-Chin Chen
                    Ming-Chin Chen is a Professor of Department of Accounting of National Chengchi
               University. His research areas include tax accounting, financial accounting, intellectual
               capital, and corporate governance. His research papers have been published in European
               Accounting Review, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economic, Review of
               Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and
               Taxation, Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, Journal of Intellectual
               Capital, NTU Management Review, Taiwan Accounting Review, Journal of Contemporary
               Accounting, Journal of Management and Business Research, Chiao Da Mangement
               Review, Academia Economic Papers, Management Review, International Journal of
               Accounting Studies, Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Asia Pacific Management
               Review, and Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies.

               *Chia-Wen Chang
                    Chia-Wen Chang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting,
               Tamkang University. The research interest of Chia-Wen Chang includes tax accounting
               and financial accounting. Her research works have been published in European Accounting
               Review, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economic, Review of Quantitative
               Finance and Accounting, NTU Management Review, Taiwan Accounting Review, and
               Journal of Management and Systems.

                  We  are  grateful  to  the  editors  and  two  anonymous  reviewers  for  valuable  comments. We  also
                  acknowledge financial support from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MOST 106-2410-H-

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