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Creditors are also important stakeholders. D&O insurance may also affect creditors’

perceptions of credit risk. Due to the credit rating agencies being professional debt rating

institutions, the credit ratings issued by them will affect the cost of debt. So far, no prior

studies have investigated the effect of D&O insurance and its coverage on firms’ credit

ratings. To better understand these effects, we explore the association between D&O

insurance and firms’ credit ratings.

The primary objectives of sound corporate governance are (1) to enhance business

performance and corporate value and (2) to protect the interests of all stakeholders. Prior

studies have demonstrated that corporate governance impact credit ratings (Ashbaugh-Skaife

et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2009; Alali et al., 2012). Directors and managers play critical roles in

the efforts to build sound corporate governance systems. The literature exposes two opposing

effects of D&O insurance on corporate governance – the monitoring role and managerial

opportunism. In other words, D&O insurance also has two opposing effects on firms’ credit


If the purchase of D&O insurance can strengthen the function of the board, business

performance will be effectively enhanced. Moreover, this will reduce the probability of

default. In other words, D&O insurance can improve a firm’s credit risk (Monitoring Role

Effect). In addition, the included compensation of the insurance company as a guarantee

allows D&O insurance to further protect the interests of the creditors. Therefore, the

protection of the interests of creditors and the improvement in a firm’s credit risk that come

with D&O insurance should lead to superior credit ratings issued by credit rating agencies.

On the other hand, if the purchase of D&O insurance increases the risk of moral hazard

from the directors and officers, the likelihood of damage at the expense of the creditors also

increases (Managerial Opportunism Effect). It follows that the purchase of D&O insurance

will lead to inferior credit ratings issued by credit rating agencies. Motivated by these

paradoxical effects, we design the following research hypotheses (these hypotheses are stated

as alternative hypotheses):

H1: D&O insurance is correlated with credit ratings.

H2a: For firms with D&O insurance, normal D&O insurance coverage is negatively

associated with credit ratings (superior credit ratings).

H2b: For firms with D&O insurance, abnormal D&O insurance coverage is positively

associated with credit ratings (inferior credit ratings).