We invite the authors of the original research papers aligned with our conference
“Managing the New Realities in Asia”. Theoretical, empirical, and qualitative studies
are all welcomed. Major topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
Financial reporting practices and quality in the Asia Pacific region
Management accounting and controls of companies in the Asia Pacific region
Auditing practices and quality in the Asia Pacific region
The evolution of the accounting information environment in the Asia Pacific region
Investment in the Asia Pacific region
Corporate finance in the Asia Pacific region
Corporate governance in the Asia Pacific region
New service and brand marketing trends in the Asia-Pacific region
B2B marketing in the Asia Pacific region
New concepts and theories of organizational behavior/human resources management for
the Asia Pacific region
Managing risks of value networks
Design innovation and information systems
Strategy and innovation from an Asia Pacific perspective
Creating and capturing value through strategy and innovation
Small and medium enterprise (SME) management
All submissions should follow the style of
NTU Management Review
(see below), and are
subject to the double blind review process. Papers that are accepted for presentation at the
conference are strongly encouraged to submit to
NTU Management Review
, which will be
followed by a fast track review process.
Features of the Conference
The one-and-a-half day conference is featured by:
A keynote speech by an internationally renowned scholar
Concurrent sessions of paper presentations
Poster sessions
One banquet and two lunches
Conference Date and Venue
Date: April 1 &April 2, 2018
http://mtpc2018.conf.twTel: +886-2-3366-1026
Fax: +886-2-2363-5658