To promote interactions among management scholars in the Asia-Pacific region and
around the world,
NTU Management Review
, published by the College of Management of
National Taiwan University, invites you to attend the 2018 Management Theory and Practice
Conference, which will be held at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. The
conference aims to provide an academic forum for the exchange of management-related
research ideas and to provide suggestions for future researches in the Asia-Pacific region.
Scholars and practitioners from throughout the world are welcomed to attend.
Scope and Topics
With the rise of the Asia- Pacific market in the global economy throughout the past
decades, along with the emergence of multinationals in the Asia- Pacific, the main objective
of the 2018 Management Theory and Practice Conference will focus on management-related
issues from an Asia- Pacific perspective, aiming to facilitate discussions of concepts and
practices in various fields of management such as accounting, finance, organizational
behavior, human resources management, marketing, information management, e-commerce,
productions and operations management, and corporate strategy. We welcome research papers
that can bring visions and insights into management theories and practices, and we also
encourage qualitative studies that depict and interpret up-to-date management practices.
Managing the New Realities in Asia
April 1-2, 2018
Chengdu, China
Hosted by
College of Management, National Taiwan University (NTU)
School of Business Administration & Institute of Chinese Financial Studies,
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE)
2018 Management Theory and Practice Conference
Call for Papers