1. The purpose of the National Taiwan University Management Review (NTUMR) is to publish conceptual or empirical academic papers that have yet been published in other academic periodicals, or commentary papers concerning specific articles, books, or critical subjects in academic disciplines. Such as business management, marketing, operation and international management, organization and human resources, finance, accounting, strategy and technology management, strategy and international business, hospital management, and healthcare administration. The above mentioned papers written in Chinese or English are welcome.

2. For authors whose paper has been submitted and accepted, they need to sign the Copyright License Agreement and the publication right of the paper will be transferred to the National Taiwan University College of Management and NTUMR. Authors need to be fully responsible for the accountability of their papers; they must ensure that their papers have never been submitted to other journals, and is free of plagiarism and any copyright infringement complications. In addition to the provision of the printed copy of the accepted paper, authors must also agree to allow their papers to be saved to the NTU Journal Database, which is established by the NTU Press.  

 3. As a general principle, the length of submitted paper should be limited to 50 pages (including references, appendices, tables, and figures) to be considered for publishing (except for qualitative research content). For an anonymous refereeing of the manuscript, the name, title, affiliation, and contact information of the author(s) should be provided separately. Please also make sure that any self-identifying references are absent from the manuscript. Starting from 2023, the NTUMR will first conduct " paper similarity test " for all submitted papers. For general consistency, NTUMR retains the right to modify the submitted papers to maintain a consistent editorial standard.

4. Submitted papers qualifying the natures and format rules stipulated by NTUMR will be subjected to double-blind peer review by reviewers recommended by area editors. With opinions from reviewers and the area editors taken into consideration, the editor-in-chief will determine whether the paper is qualified for publication after further modifications, or should be rejected and returned. 

5. For international authors, a PDF copy will be provided after published. No paper will be returned regardless of acceptance for publishing; all submitting authors are responsible for keeping their own original files.
6. Starting from 2018, the NTUMR’s publishing schedule will change to every April, August, and December. NTUMR cordially invites domestic and international scholars to submit papers to us.
7. Submission fee: Overseas Remittance should be paid in USD at an amount equivalent to NTD 3,600. No other currency is accepted. Cash by post or checks are not accepted. (NTU Management Review is printed in black and white. If authors require the papers to be printed in color, they must pay the fee of color publishing by themselves.)

8. Methods of Payment: Online Credit Card Payment
Click on the Online Credit Card Payment link and follow the payment instructions.

Once the paper has been sent for review, NTUMR will issue a receipt to the author. Electronic receipt will be available for download at NTUMR website: Please login your account and then follow the access path, Download -> Download Receipt. The original receipt is available upon request by clicking "Carbon Copy Receipt" and filling the information form. NTUMR will send the requested receipt according to the address. 

9. To expedite paper review and publishing, authors are required to complete their paper revision as soon as possible after receiving review opinions, and upload the revised papers to submission system for reviewing again. Failure to comply accordingly will result in submission rejection. Any authors requesting for special consideration for deadline extension must provide explanation by email to NTUMR editor office (email: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw), where area editor-in-chief will decide whether the extension should be granted. Each paper is limited to one extension request.

10. Please confirm all contributors of the submitted article have their names appeared exactly before submitting to NTUMR. Attempting to add, switch, or delete authors’ names of the article after receiving acceptance/rejection notices are not encouraged and should avoid doing so. Should you wish to add co-authors, please email to the editorial office before sending back your article for 2nd review. In the email, please specify the reasons and provide the exact contents (pages) contributed by the extra co-authors. If two-thirds of area editors agree on your adding request, the editorial office will follow the procedure and add the names into the article.

11. Once the manuscript is accepted to publish, author(s) should be responsible for proofreading after the typesetting of the paper.


For further inquiry regarding paper submission, please call +886-2-33661026 or+886-2-33665404.




NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106319 Taiwan
3F, Bldg. 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

TEL: +886-2-33661026  +886-2-33665404  

E-mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw

Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
