No.TitleVol. & No.Authors
1Utilizing Business Process Management (BPM) for Performance Improvement: A Case Study of an Express Company in TaiwanVol. 35 No. 1 Sonia Ming-Shiow Lo, Yu-Ming Chang
2The Financial Statement Comparability of Listed Foreign Firms in Taiwan: The Effect of Board Interlocks and Financial Statement FraudVol. 35 No. 1 Yuan-Tang Tsai, Xing-Rong Li

NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106319 Taiwan
3F, Bldg. 1, College of Management, National Taiwan University

TEL: +886-2-33661026  +886-2-33665404  


Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
