2025 Management Theory and Practice Conference (Online Poster)
Uploaded on 2024.08.07
Call for Papers (Online Poster)
2025 Management Theory and Practice Conference
Emerging Trends in the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
Exploring the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data opens new avenues for innovative solutions and methodologies. In recent years, the integration of big data and IoT has emerged as a focal point across diverse academic domains, particularly within blockchain connectivity. Both Thailand and Taiwan have recognized the importance of this integration across technology, management, industry, and engineering and set these areas as primary goals of macro economic development plans. On the other hand, for both academic and industrial communities within the technological landscape, the crucial emphasis may lie in understanding how to apply IoT technologies in realizing manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain management applications while upholding cybersecurity principles and ethics. This strategic application ensures that future financial and accounting disclosures are reliable and transparent, aligning with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards and sustainability goals.
To promote research on issues of technological innovation and management, as well as to foster deeper academic collaboration with international institutions, the Chulalongkorn Business School (CBS), the National Taipei University of Business (NTUB), and the College of Management at National Taiwan University (NTU) have collaboratively organized the "2025 Management Theory and Practice Conference: Emerging Trends in the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data."
This conference serves as a platform for CBS, NTUB, and NTU to introduce groundbreaking theories and concepts to both academic and industrial communities, aiming to enhance technological innovation and management practices in corporations across Thailand and Taiwan. With a thematic focus on cutting-edge topics in big data, IoT, and commerce management, the conference seeks to facilitate in-depth discussions of presented papers and promote interactive engagement among participants. Attendees from diversified academic and industrial backgrounds can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions by exploring methodologies related to the research, collection, processing, and data analysis.

Scope and Topics
We welcome scholars from various academic fields to submit original research papers in line with the conference theme “2025 Management Theory and Practice Conference: Emerging Trends in the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data”. All theoretical, empirical, and qualitative research are welcome. Potential topics include, but are not limited to.

Conference Dates: Feb. 28th – Mar. 1st, 2025

Important Dates
• Submission Deadline: Nov. 15th, 2024
• Acceptance Notification Date: Nov. 29th, 2024

• Registration Fees Deadline: Dec. 9th, 2023

Submission Guidelines
• Please note that the author who submits the original paper to the conference submission system is automatically designated as the corresponding author. The corresponding author is also the primary contact for the conference organizers.
•  Manuscript: PDF file; full-text manuscript OR long abstract with at least 2,000 words, including the title. Please keep the full-text manuscript or long
abstract anonymous. The font should be in Times New Roman typeface in 12-point pitch. The manuscript should be written in English.
•  The Conference Committee will make a preliminary review and determine whether the submitted paper is eligible for presentation. An accepted / rejected email will send to the corresponding author once the decision is made.
•  Online submission: https://2025AI.conf.tw

Features of the Conference
• Consideration of publishing the manuscripts on special or regular issues of the CBS, NTUB,  and NTU journals
• Keynote speech delivered by internationally well-known scholars
• Concurrent paper presentation sessions

• Registration Fee: NTD 5,300
•The authors are not required to submit the registration fee upon initial submission; instead, they should await notification from the organizing committee (i.e., acceptance or rejection emails).

Organized by
• Chulalongkorn Business School
• National Taipei University of Business
• College of Management, National Taiwan University
Contact Us
NTU Management Review
Ms. Hui-Wen Cheng
Tel: +886-2-3366-1026
E-Mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw
Website: https://review.management.ntu.edu.tw

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TEL: +886-2-33661026  +886-2-33665404  

E-mail: ntupmcenter@ntu.edu.tw
