NTU Management Review Virtual Issue

Virtual issues are collections of published NTU Management Review articles on a particular theme or topic. These issues are each assembled by an expert to highlight a topic that is of interest to readers in management field. We welcome your suggestions for future topical collections.

Innovation in Taiwan

Innovation is important to firm growth and economic development. This is particularly applicable to countries such as Taiwan, which, as a small island with limited resources, has historically pursued new wealth creation to justify its political sovereignty and earn international recognition. The literature on national innovation systems, for example, has documented Taiwan as a system of entrepreneurship, characterized as a bunch of SMEs and risk-taking entrepreneurs aspiring to innovate against competitive pressures and established giants (Hung & Whittington, 2011). Innovation prevails ...

Editor: Shih-Chang Hung, Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Published Aug. 2018


Emotion and Its Correlates in Asian Contexts

Human emotion has become an increasingly important topic in the studies of management, such as in the areas of organizational behavior, human resources management, marketing, information management, etc., in the past decades. According to Ashkanazy, Humphrey & Huy (2017), there were 260,000 articles from 2012 to 2017 that included the term “emotional labor” when searching through Google Scholar alone. In organizational behavior literature, emotion is found to be a critical factor that guides employees’ work performance and affects their organizational citizenship behav...

Editor: Shu-Cheng Steve Chi, Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Published Feb. 2019


Service Research in Taiwan

The service sector has been a predominant contributor to Taiwan’s economic development. For the past few years, in terms of industrial transformation, Taiwanese firms have not only endeavored to keep pace with innovation but also strived to initiate and adopt service-oriented approaches as a promising direction in achieving strategic transformation. In particular, with the explosive growth of e-platforms and digital technologies, the concept of service is constantly and dramatically self-renewing and applying or integrating with other fields. As a result, Taiwanese firms, to maintain ...

Editor: Sheng-Tsung Samuel Hou, Professor, Graduate Institute of Public Affairs and Social Innovation, Feng Chia University, Taiwan

Published Mar. 2019


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