2. Method
In this research, we employed three steps for our data collection and analysis. First, we
selected journals highly relevant to IS adoption and implementation, based on the social
science journal rating report published by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Chen et
al., 2004). The selected journals are the Journal of Information Management, Journal of
Management, Journal of e-Business, Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, NTU Management
Review, Management Review and Organization and Management. Second, we used keyword
searches to find relevant articles in the CEPS Chinese digital journal database. Such phrases
were “technology acceptance”, “innovation diffusion”, “technology adoption” and
“technology implementation” used. This exercise resulted in the selection of 82 articles
publish between the years 2000-2015.
Third, we used Laudan (1984) reticulated model of science to analyze each paper. This
model uses categories of theories, methods, and topics (goals, ends and values). Our
classification of research methods was drawn from the work of Galliers (1992) on IS
research methods: laboratory experiment, field experiments, surveys, case studies, theorem
proofs, subjective/argumentative case studies, forecasting and future research, simulation and
action research. For the classification of the research theme, we adopted a grounded
approach and developed a classification system from each paper’s research focus.
3. Findings
Our research findings show that similar to the research trend in international journals,
TAM has been the dominant theoretical perspective for IT adoption and implementation
research in Taiwan over the past 15 years. Among these 82 articles, over 60% of the research
papers applied either TAM or Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) as the underlying theoretical
model. We argue that the over-reliance on TAM or DOI ignores contextual diversity and
limits research choices, other potential theories and research methods. Scholars from other
parts of the world have shown the merits of different theoretical perspectives and alternative
research methods, which have added to our theoretical knowledge of IT adoption and
implementation. For instance, there is a need to focus on a deeper interpretation on the
intertwined relationship between technology and organization structure in the IT-enabled
change process , in particular the importance of contextual elements.