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competition (Chen et al., 2007), therefore, competition dynamics is feasible for discussing

topics related to bancassurance channel strategies.

2. Methodology

To explore whether the bancassurance channel strategies of life insurance companies

are affected by the bancassurance channel strategies employed by their rivals, this study

adopts empirical model. The response variable signifies the bancassurance channel strategy

variation variable of the life insurance company. Regarding the evaluation of bancassurance

strategy, this study adopts variation in the ratio of bancassurance premium income to total

premium, as well as variation in the total amount of the bancassurance channel premium

income, as proxy variables. The explanatory variable denotes variation in the bancassurance

channel strategies employed by the rivals of the life insurance company; specifically, this

variable is calculated as the difference in bancassurance data between different years. Three

types of rival are defined. In terms of premium incomes, the first type pertains to rivals

ranked one place below or above the target company. The second type involves rivals ranked

below the target company. The third type concerns rivals ranked above the target company.

This study focuses on the more competitive companies, thus companies that are not as

competent are excluded from the discussion. (e.g., life insurance companies with unchanged

bancassurance channel strategies and those with a bancassurance market share rate of < 1%).

Moreover, the interaction between the variation in the bancassurance channel strategies and

the variation in the amount of premium income with the rival is used to investigate the

moderating effect of competition intensity, thereby verifying whether insurance companies

of similar rankings undertake more drastic response measures against each other. This study

collects the financial and sales data of Taiwanese life insurance companies over a 9-year

period (from 2005 to 2013), exploring how the bancassurance channel strategies of target

companies are affected by the behaviors of their rivals.

3. Empirical Results

Incorporating all life insurance companies in the analysis shows that companies do not

undertake measures in response to their rivals’ strategies. This might be attributed to how

less competitive insurance companies do not have sufficient resources or capacity for

observing and punctually responding to their rivals’ actions. By contrast, when only highly

competitive companies are examined in the empirical analysis, the results verify that these

companies undertake corresponding measures when their rivals adjust their bancassurance