目錄 Contents |
Introduction to Special Issue Big Data Analytics and Business Innovation |
V |
Introduction to Special Issue Risk Management and Insurance |
社群媒體中顧客知識之挖掘:意見探勘技術開發 Mining Consumer Knowledge from Social Media: Development of an Opinion Mining Technique |
1 |
為頻繁單變量不確定樣式產生摘要 Generating Summaries for Frequent Univariate Uncertain Pattern |
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服務庫存與營運績效關聯之實証研究:以台灣大車隊為例 An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Service Inventory and Operational Performance: Taiwan Taxi Fleet Taken as an Example |
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巨量資料應用在台灣個資法架構下的法律風險Personal Information Protection Act and the Legal Risk of Big Data Applications in Taiwan |
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保險經代人能否提供較佳的理賠服務品質?: 台灣汽車責任保險實證 Do Insurance Brokers or Agents Provide Superior Claim Service Quality?:Empirical Evidence on Automobile Liability Insurance in Taiwan |
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壽險公司銀行保險通路策略會不會受到競爭者行為的影響:動態競爭觀點之探討 Effect of Competitors’Activities on the Bancassurance Strategy of Life Insurers: Competitive Dynamics Perspective |
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長期照顧保險商品設計與風險效果分析 Analysis of the Risk Effect of the Product Design of Long-Term Care Insurance |
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終身癌症保險之評價 The Valuation of Lifetime Cancer Insurance Policies |
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美國產險業CEO 更迭與再保險需求 CEO Turnover and Reinsurance Demand in the U.S. Property Casualty Insurance Industry |
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保險業集中度及效率對市場競爭程度的影響:以日本產險業為例 The Impact of Concentration and Efficiency on Market Competition:An Analysis of Japanese Non-Life Insurance Industry |
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會計對法規與實務的影響 Call for Papers & Guidelines |
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新南向政策:實務挑戰與理論意涵 Call for Papers & Guidelines |
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財團法人宋作楠先生紀念教育基金會 |
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