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NTU Management Review Vol. 33 No. 2 Aug. 2023

                                      Table 3 Results for Mediation Tests
                               Model                      Goodness-of-Fit    Tests of Hypotheses
                                                      χ (173) = 337.23 (p ≈ .00)
               M1: Baseline Model: Hypothesized Paths   RMSEA = .057; NNFI = .96;    -
               (Figure 1)
                                                        CFI = .97; AGFI = .86
               M2: Value Congruence → Innovation          χ (172) = 337.10        M1-M2:
               Performance                                                   χ d 2  (1) = .13, p > .72
               M3: Felt Obligation → Innovation Performance  χ (172) = 336.74  2
                                                                             χ d  (1) = .49, p > .48
               M4: EML → Innovation Performance           χ (172) = 335.18    2
                                                                             χ d  (1) = 2.05, p > .15
               M5: TMX → Innovation Performance           χ (172) = 336.89     2
                                                                             χ d  (1) = .34, p > .56
               others,” and (2) “It is important to me to have the opportunity to use my abilities to
               benefit others.” We asked respondents to rate these two items on a seven-point Likert
               scale with one meaning strongly disagree and seven meaning strongly agree. We calculate

               the composite score of each member and distinguish a high-score subgroup from a low-
               score subgroup using a median split (N high  = 147; N  = 135). To test H6, we establish two
               structural models for the high-score and low-score subgroups and employ moderating
               tests to compare the differences between the hypothesized path coefficients. According to
               the baseline model, the effect of intention on innovation performance is permitted to vary
               across groups. Next, we perform the constrained effect to be equal across subsamples in
               the second model. Finally, by comparison with the path in the low-score subsample (γ N=135
               = .12, n.s.), the path from innovation intention to innovation performance in the high-score
               subsample (γ H
                          N=147  = .35, p < .001) shows a significantly higher coefficient. Thus, H6 is
               supported (∆χ  [1] = 3.94, p < .05).

                                     5. Discussion and Conclusions

                   Drawing on social exchange theory and social influence theory, this study develops

               and empirically examines a research model on individual service innovation performance
               in the context of the IT industry in Taiwan. We begin by discussing research centered on
               explanations for individual innovation performance that address the importance of the
               relationship quality among coworkers and leadership, highlighting how these perspectives
               may act as determinants of why important relational factors impact an engineer’s

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