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NTU Management Review Vol. 33 No. 2 Aug. 2023

                                        Table 1 Summary of Measures
                   Constructs                        Measures
                                                                                  Factor Loading
               Innovation Intention   (1)  I am planning to provide my customers with novel ser-  .84
               CR = .87             vice and ideas during the next two weeks.
               AVE = .69         (2)  I intend to provide my customers with novel service and   .90
                                    ideas during the next two weeks.
                                 (3)  I will expend effort on providing my customers with nov-  .74
                                    el service and ideas during the next two weeks.
                                 Source: Perugini and Bagozzi (2001)
               Value Congruence  (1)  My personal values match my team members’ values   .70
               CR = .74             and ideals.
               AVE = .50         (2)  The things that I value in life are similar to the things my   .79
                                    team members value.
                                 (3)  My team members’ values provide a good fit with the   .60
                                    things I value.
                                 Source: Hoffman et al. (2011)
               Felt Obligation   (1)  I feel a personal sense of responsibility to bring about   .85
               CR = .80             novel and different service.
               AVE = .58         (2)  I feel obligated to try to provide new services where ap-  .86
                                 (3)  I feel obligated to challenge or change the present form   .54
                                    of customer service.
                                 Source: Fuller et al. (2006)
               Empowering Leader- Enhancing the meaningfulness of work:
               ship              (1)  My team leader helps me understand the importance of   .80
               CR = .88             my work to the overall effectiveness of the company.
               AVE = .64         Fostering participation in decision making:
                                 (2)  My team leader makes many decisions together with   .82
                                 Expressing confidence in high performance:
                                 (3)  My team leader expresses confidence in my ability to   .82
                                    perform at a high level.
                                 Providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints:
                                 (4)  My team leader makes it more efficient for me to do my   .75
                                    job by keeping the rules and regulations simple.
                                 Source: Zhang and Bartol (2010)
               Team-Member Ex-   (1)  Other members of my team provide support and encour-  .81
               change               agement to me.
               CR = .89          (2)  Other members of my team frequently recognize my ef-  .81
               AVE = .66            forts.
                                 (3)  Other members of my team frequently take actions that   .86
                                    make things easier for me.
                                 (4)  When I am busy, others members of my team often vol-  .77
                                    unteer to help me out.
                                 Source: Seers (1989)
               Note:  1. CR is composite reliability.
                    2. AVE is average variance extracted.

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