Page 7 - 臺大管理論叢第33卷第1期
P. 7

holding company.
                   The second article “Value Creation and Capture in Developing Countries: The Driver
               and Mechanism of Offshore Outsourcing Innovation” in the field of strategy and technol-
               ogy Management by Hung and Lo investigates a growing phenomenon—firms have been
               increasingly outsourcing innovation activities in developing countries with weak intel-
               lectual property rights (IPR) protection even though facing the challenges of creating and
               capturing value under such risky environment. They adopt Knowledge-based View (KBV)
               perspective and make the following arguments: (1) if the human capital—low-cost and
               high-skilled talent—is readily available in developing countries with weak IPR protec-
               tion, the likelihood of a firm outsourcing an innovation activity to the countries increases;
               (2) the main effect of human capital can be positively moderated by the designing of task
               specificity and project modularity which not only help firms capture value but also protect
               proprietary information. Using the data of Offshoring Research Network (ORN), Index of
               Economic Freedom (IEF), and World Economic Forum (WEF) to test the hypotheses, they
               find their premises supported.
                   The third article “Corporate Governance, Internal Control and Logistics Enterprise
               Performance: Based on the Empirical Study of Listed Logistics Enterprises in China” in
               the field of strategy and international business by Cao, Deng, and Liu examines 92 pub-
               licly listed logistics companies in China—particularly the impact of corporate governance
               quality and internal control effectiveness on their financial performance—by collecting the
               2013-2019 data from CSMAR and Dibo Internal Control Index and constructing compre-
               hensive evaluation indexes to measure the financial performance of these 92 enterprises.
               The empirical analyses first manifest that corporate governance quality and internal control
               effectiveness are positively correlated with financial performance of the enterprises; the in-
               teraction between the two also positively impacts the performance, which further confirms
               the positive moderator effect of corporate governance quality on these enterprises. These
               analyses also reveal the lag effects of both corporate governance and internal control on
               financial performance where the lag effects of internal control are more significant than
               the corporate governance ones. And when reviewing the influences of corporate gover-
               nance and internal control on financial performance from different shareholding structures,
               they find private logistics companies perform better than state-owned ones. Finally, all
               above-mentioned conclusions remain valid when they conduct further robustness tests.
                   The fourth article “Associations of Demand for Private Long-Term Care Insurance,
               Willingness to Pay, and Precautionary Savings with Preferences for Long-Term Care Sys-
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