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NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

                        理評論,24 卷 3 期:1-40。(Wang, Lan-Fen, Chang, Chung-Yuen, and Yang,
                        Li-Chu. 2017. The impacts of halving shareholder tax deductible amount on
                        dividend policy. Fu Jen Management Review, 24 (3): 1-40.)

                        4 卷 2 期:190-212。(Wang, Jui-Chih, and Chen, Ming-Chin. 2003. An em-
                        pirical investigation of impacts of the imputation tax system on corporate share-
                        holder structures. Journal of Contemporary Accounting, 4 (2): 190-212.)

                        卷 2 期:257-277。(Wang, Jui-Chih, and Chen, Ming-Chin. 2004. An empiri-
                        cal investigation of impacts of the imputation tax system on corporate dividend
                        payouts. Journal of Management and Business Research, 21 (2): 257-277.)
                        卷 1 期:221-246。(Wang, Jui-Chih, and Chen, Ming-Chin. 2007. An empir-
                        ical investigation of impacts of the integrated income tax system on corporate
                        financing decisions. Chiao Da Management Review, 27 (1): 221-246.)

                        臺大管理論叢,26 卷 3 期:35-62。(Lin, Ching-Chieh, and Lee, Wen-Chih.
                        2016. Association between corporate income tax rate reduction and dividend
                        payouts in an integrated tax system. NTU Management Review, 26 (3): 35-62.)

                        半為例,財稅研究,46 卷 2 期:31-51。(Chiu, Shih-Hao, Yu, Chun-Hsien,
                        and Wang, Yi-Hsin. 2017. The impact of the tax system reform on dividend pol-
                        icy—from the shareholder tax-deductible amount point of view. Public Finance
                        Review, 46 (2): 31-51.)
                        司為例,管理與系統,13 卷 2 期:153-179。(Ni, Yen-Sen, and Liao, Jung-
                        Tsen. 2006. The cost of debt and dividend policies of family firms: Empirical

                        evidence in companies listed in TSE. Journal of Management and Systems, 13
                        (2): 153-179.)
               黃美祝,2019,董事連結與企業避稅程度之關聯性,臺大管理論叢,29 卷 2 期:
                        201-232。(Huang, Mei-Juh. 2019. The relationship between board interlocks

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