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Stores’ affiliates. Our research question would like to examine whether the listed firms

such as Far Eastern Department Stores having 5 layers are more likely to avoid tax than

other listed firms (located at layer 0) having the number of investment layers less than 5.

Specifically, to measure the length of investment layers, we first identify all

subsidiaries as defined by R.O.C accounting standards No. 7, consolidated financial

statements. We only focus on subsidiaries because the parent firm can only control these

firms’ operating and financing decisions. Second, we then identify all intermediate layers

connecting the parent company and the lowest-tire affiliates. That is, the holding company

(i.e., the parent company) at the apex of investment structure indirectly controls firms

sitting on the lowest tier of investment layer through intermediate companies. If firms

have multiple chains in investment structure, we will focus on the longest chain which has

the largest number of intermediate layers, and calculate the number of intermediate layers

connecting the parent company and the lowest-tier firms.

3.2 Measures of Tax Avoidance

To examine the level of tax avoidance (


), we employ four commonly used

measures of tax avoidance drawn from the prior literature. Our first measure of tax

avoidance is


, where we define


as total tax expense divided by

pre-tax accounting income in year t. As this measure reflects tax avoidance via permanent

differences between financial and tax reporting, prior research suggest that a lower value



reflects an increased level of tax avoidance (e.g., Rego, 2003).




is commonly used (e.g., Chen et al., 2010; Dyreng et al., 2010; Rego, 2003;

Rego and Wilson, 2012; Robinson et al., 2010), it has two limitations. First, tax avoidance

activities that generate temporary differences between financial and tax reporting (e.g.,

those that defer cash taxes paid to later periods) are not reflected in





financial accounting rules also affect




3 e.g., investments in tax exempt or tax-favored assets, such as interest received on certain types of

government obligation is recognized for financial reporting purpose but is tax free.

4 According to IAS 12

Income Taxes

as well as SFAS No. 109

Accounting for Income Taxes

, income tax

expense is the aggregate amount of both current tax and deferred tax. Accelerating expenses or

deferring income for tax purpose reduces current taxes but increases deferred taxes, which is not

captured by



5 It sometimes captures several items that are not tax planning strategies, but caused by financial

accounting rules such as changes in the valuation allowance or changes in the tax contingency reserve

(Hanlon and Heitzman, 2010). Thus, GAAP_


is the jointed product of both tax avoidance

activities and financial accounting rules.