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Evaluation; (17) Laboratory Experiment–Software; (18) Concept Implementation/Proof of

Concept; (19) Simulation; (20) Focus Group; (21) Delphi; (22) Interview; (23) Network

Analysis; (24) Meta Analysis; and (25) Content Analysis.

3. Conclusions and Discussion

This study provides an overview of the development of the IM field, highlighting the

importance of research trend and its timeline. Through analyzing


articles, the study

discovers the concern of IT applications has gradually moved away from IT applications in

enterprises towards individual consumer’s attitudes and behaviors regarding the use of

electronic business or emerging technologies, such as mobile communications and social

media. IM research issues have switched focus from organizational applications to user

behavior models. The research issues discussed in


encompass various emerging issues

and theory validation topics; the journal is thus highly valued by IM scholars in Taiwan.

The research methods adopted by the scholars are mostly field survey and analyses of

large secondary data from databases. More and more scholars adopt design science approach

to validate emerging technologies. Moreover, the research emphasis of IM scholars has

moved away from intra-organizational IT applications to individual living and mobile

applications. The validation method of technology introduction has advanced from

traditional conceptual validation to multi-criteria validation methods. Finally, the quality

criteria of IM articles are also improving–such as reliability of dataset and validity of


4. Recommendations

Since the Industrial Revolution, people's workplaces have shifted from home to the

production environment or working office. There has been distinct spatial segmentation

between home and office. However, with the help of Internet of Things (IOT) and computing

capabilities, now this spatial segmentation has been broken. People not only can complete

their office’s tasks at home, but also remote control intelligent home appliances at their

office. This is subverting the traditional management thinking and methods. This study

encourages future researchers to follow this innovative trend (i.e., IOT) and catch related

research topics and applications. For practice, managers should rethink their business models

and IT applications by IOT, and thereby increasing profits for company. Future researchers

could identify a research gap in the existing studies or seek for possible research ideas based

on our findings.