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positive effect on exploration orientation. The third step was to confirm the relationship

between exploration orientation and NPD (i.e., the relationship between mediator and

dependent variables). As shown above in Model 1c and 2c, exploration orientation had

significant and positive effect on NPD. The last step was to include the mediator in the

model to examine whether it reduced the effects of the antecedent to non-significance



>0.05). As Model 1c and 2c showed, the coefficient for exploration orientation was

positive and significant, indicating the direct effect of exploration orientation on NPD.

Furthermore, exploration orientation significantly reduced the effect of decision

comprehensiveness, participative governance and long-term orientation on NPD; the effects

of these three variables became non-significant. Thus exploration orientation played a

mediating role between decision comprehensiveness, participative governance, long-term

orientation and NPD, supporting Hypothesis 3a and 3b. Lastly, in order to test the

hypothesized moderation effects, we entered both the moderator independently and the

interaction terms in Model 3c. In this model, the interaction effects indicates significance

(see Figure 2). Therefore, hypothesis 4 is supported.

High FSC



Stewardship orientation

Explorative orientation


High SO

Low SO

Figure 2 The Moderating Effect of Family Social Capital