and integrated in the service delivery system aspect, the role of “payer”, usually “insurers”,
is excluded in this model. Thirdly, only two principles that guide the service strategy part,
patient-centered and value-based, are studied in this paper. They could be further applied to
some other business models in health. These limitations provide a number of good directions
to further extend this research.
5. Originality/Contribution
In this study, a general healthcare service planning model and a specific application of it
to telehealth are both developed to guide the design and to provide innovation of healthcare
services. The global trends in healthcare, patient-centered and value-based principles, are
directly incorporated into the healthcare service planning model. The distinctive
characteristics of healthcare are also identified and emphasized in the model. In addition,
unlike most past literature on healthcare services, which are usually conducted from medical
and clinical perspectives, this study integrates the viewpoints and tools of marketing and
operations management to deliver a unique research framework. With rapid progresses in
both medicine and technology, the level of service system integration and the assurance of
information security are becoming more and more important. The proposed healthcare
service planning model addresses these issues by employing the Service Encounter Triad. In
summary, the model and the corresponding research results suggest that service innovation
and design can be guided, with a successful example in a tele-health service.