目錄 Contents |
Editor's Note |
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審計人員之產業專精與客戶租稅規避:中國實證研究 Auditor Industry Expertise and Clients' Tax Avoidance: Evidence from China |
1 |
九尾數定價效果在不同評估模式中的侷限:分別、聯合與依序評估 The Boundary Conditions of the Nine-Ending Pricing Effect in Different Evaluation Modes: Separate, Joint and Sequential |
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盈餘管理之行為意圖:代理情境、道德發展與計畫行為理論之解釋 Behavioral Intention of Earnings Management: The Explanation of Agency Problem, Moral Development and Theory of Planned Behavior |
107 |
反向房屋抵押貸款商品結構分析 Structural Analysis of Reverse Mortgages |
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台灣上市公司的現金持有、現金持有價值與公司生命週期:預防性動機假說之驗證 Cash Holding, the Value of Cash Holding, and Corporate Life Cycle in Taiwan: An Examination of the Precautionary Motive Hypothesis |
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社會壓力、承諾與稅務員反功能行為:實驗研究 Social Pressures, Commitments and Tax Officials' Dysfunctional Behaviors: An Experimental Study |
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工作要求與工作控制的交互作用對倦怠與學習努力之影響:公平知覺之干擾角色 The Interactive Effects of Job Demand and Job Control on Burnout and Learning Efforts: The Moderating Role of Fairness Perception |
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由任務科技配適度觀點探討司法人員資訊系統使用與工作績效之影響因子 Exploring the Influencing Factors of Judicial Personnel's Information System Usage and Job Performance from the Perspectives of Task-Technology Fit |
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服務體驗管理:亞洲文獻回顧與未來研究方向 Service Experience Management in Asia: A Review and Directions for Future Research |
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Guidelines |
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