The Influence of Internationalization, Board Characteristics, and Sophisticated Institutional Monitoring on Earnings Management: Evidence from Information and Electronics Industries in Taiwan

Lin, H. M., Kuo, L. B., and Su, N. H. 2008. The Influence of Internationalization, Board Characteristics, and Sophisticated Institutional Monitoring on Earnings Management: Evidence from Information and Electronics Industries in Taiwan. NTU Management Review, 19 (1): 157-186

Hsin-Mei Lin, Assistant Professor, Department of International Business, National Chi Nan University
Beryl L. Kuo, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of International Business, National Chi Nan University
Nai-Hui Su, Lecturer, Department of Accounting, National Chung Hsing University


The resulting literature has been emphasizing the importance of corporate governance and focusing on the impact of one mechanism on financial reports. There is less research that synthesizes the diversified monitor tools or incorporates the influence of internationalization on corporate governance. In this study, we apply the internationalization theory, agency theory, and stewardship theory to investigate the impact of internal and external monitoring mechanisms as well as internationalization on earnings management. Based on a sample of 1171 observations from listed firms in the electron industry between 2002 and 2005, we find that the CEO duality, independency of directors, monitoring from sophisticated institutional investors, and enterprise's internationalization could reduce the earnings manipulation by managers. Furthermore, among the competitive theories, we find that the agency theory is more suitable in explaining of corporate governance than stewardship theory. Our result also sheds light on the important impact of the internationalization theory on corporate governance system.  


earnings management internationalization corporate governance

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
