The Impact of ISD Team Members' Self-efficacy, Team Interaction and Team Trust on Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing

Wang, M. H., Yang, T. Y., and Wu, C. S. 2006. The Impact of ISD Team Members' Self-efficacy, Team Interaction and Team Trust on Team Effectiveness: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing. NTU Management Review, 16 (2): 073-100

Mei-Hsiang Wang, Professor, Department of information Management, Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Tarng-Yao Yang, Associate Professor, Department of information Management, Southern Taiwan University of Technology
Chao-Sen Wu, Instructor, Department of Business Management, Transworld Institute of Technology


Knowledge sharing is the most important issue in the knowledge management. In this study, we mainly refer the IPO model to explore the mediating effect of knowledge sharing among these factors that influencing information system development (ISD) team effectiveness. Using hierarchical regression analysis, this study analyzes data from 35 ISD teams. The results indicate that self-efficacy, team interaction, and team member trust of team trust, all have significant effects on knowledge sharing. Furthermore, it appears that knowledge sharing plays mediating roles among self-efficacy-team effectiveness, team interaction-team effectiveness, and team trust-team effectiveness. Therefore, we suggest that managers should encourage team members to share knowledge each other.  


Knowledge sharing Self-efficacy Team effectiveness

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
