Strategic Considerations in Auditing :An Incomplete Information Setting

Sheng, W. W. 1996. Strategic Considerations in Auditing :An Incomplete Information Setting. NTU Management Review, 7 (2): 197-216

William W. Sheng, Department of Accounting, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.


In this study, an auditor-client incomplete information game is introduced to analyze auditor-client interactions. The model formally recognizes the effect of allowing for multiple client types and demonstrates that as long as some sufficient conditions hold, the "standard" strategy of extending the audit and report truthfully can become a pure strategy equilibrium solution of the auditor.  


Auditor Client Multiple client types Incomplete information game Pure strategy equilibrium solution

NTU Management Review No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 106319 Taiwan
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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
