The Determinants of Equity Compensation for Audit Committee Members

Lai, Y. T., and Wu, S. L. 2016. The Determinants of Equity Compensation for Audit Committee Members. NTU Management Review, 27 (1): 363-394.

Yun-Ting Lai, Master Student, Department of Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas
Shu-Ling Wu, Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University


The controversy around the rising use of equity-based compensation for audit committee members and the enhanced responsibilities of audit committee is the basis for this study to examine the factors that affect a firm’s use of stocks and stock options to remunerate audit committee members. Our results show that firms having more severe agency conflicts are less likely to give equity-based compensation to audit committee members. Furthermore, firms with more compensation committee members sitting on the audit committee are significantly more likely to compensate audit committee members with stocks and stock options. Moreover, when more audit committee members are also top managers of other companies, the probability of equity remuneration for audit committee members is lower. Given that prior studies find that equity-based compensation for audit committee members is associated with earnings management, accounting restatement, and internal control weakness, our study contributes to the literature by identifying the factors that contribute to the use of equity-based compensation for audit committee members.  


corporate governanceaudit committeeequity-based compensationagency conflicts

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Subsidized by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Science, National Science and Technology Council, Executive Yuan.
