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In  our  algorithm  with  flow  estimation,  we  replace                in  GSAMF  with  its
             estimated value               . We therefore replace                                             by                                            , which
             is defined as
                                                                −     �    
             The  pseudocode  of  the  greedy  selection  algorithm  with  maximum  flow  estimation
             (GSAMFE) is presented in Algorithm 2. The only difference between Algorithms 1 and
               Optimal Allocation of Capacitated Facilities Considering Time-Dependent User Preference for User Number
                 In  our  algorithm  with  flow  estimation,  we  replace                in  GSAMF  with  its
             2  is  using                                             or                                              (i.e.                or               )  in  each  iteration.
             estimated value               . We therefore replace                                             by                                            , which
                    In our algorithm with flow estimation, we replace z(y) in GSAMF with its estimated
             While this is some kind of approximation, a huge amount of computation time may be
             is defined as
               value z'(y). We therefore replace Ratio(j,k|y) by Ratio'(j,k|y), which is defined as
                                                  �       �   ������
                                                               −     �                           �
                                      �                                     .
                  We now analyze the complexity of GSAMFE. First of all,  ∑     ∑            should
                                                                             ���  ���  ��
             be calculated before the greedy selection starts. The time it takes is                                          .
                    The pseudocode of the greedy selection algorithm with maximum flow estimation
             The  pseudocode  of  the  greedy  selection  algorithm  with  maximum  flow  estimation
               (GSAMFE) is presented in Algorithm 2. The only difference between Algorithms 1 and 2
             Second, the values of                 should be initialized to         for all customer      . This takes
               is using Ratio(j,k|y) or Ratio'(j,k|y) (i.e. z(y) or z'(y)) in each iteration. While this is some
             (GSAMFE) is presented in Algorithm 2. The only difference between Algorithms 1 and
                             . The final part is the greedy selection, whose structure of GSAMFE is the same
               kind of approximation, a huge amount of computation time may be saved.
             2  is  using                                             or                                              (i.e.                or               )  in  each  iteration.
                    We now analyze the complexity of GSAMFE. First of all, ∑ ∑
                                                                                   β  should be
                                                                                 k∈K jk
             as that of GSAMF. Therefore, GSAMFE also runs for at most            iterations, and in the
               calculated before the greedy selection starts. The time it takes is O(|I||J||K||T|). Second,
             While this is some kind of approximation, a huge amount of computation time may be
                    iteration, it does at most             −                     times of flow estimation. For each time
               the values of α (y) should be initialized to d  for all customer i. This takes O(|I|). The final
             saved.         i                         i
               part is the greedy selection, whose structure of GSAMFE is the same as that of GSAMF.
             of  flow  estimation,  a  new  facility  of  a  certain  scale level  is  added,  which  requires
               Therefore, GSAMFE also runs for at most |J| iterations, and in the j  iteration, it does at
                 We now analyze the complexity of GSAMFE. First of all,  ∑
             GSAMFE to update the values of                 for all customers who are willing to visit the
               most (|J|-j+1)|K| times of flow estimation. For each time of flow estimation, a new facility
             be calculated before the greedy selection starts. The time it takes is                                          .
               of a certain scale level is added, which requires GSAMFE to update the values of α (y)
             newly added facility in at least one activity session. Such updating can be done in
               for all customers who are willing to visit the newly added facility in at least one activity
             Second, the values of                 should be initialized to         for all customer      . This takes
                                     . Collectively, the total time complexity is   �
               session. Such updating can be done in O(|I||T|). Collectively, the total time complexity is
                             . The final part is the greedy selection, whose structure of GSAMFE is the same
             as that of GSAMF. Therefore, GSAMFE also runs for at most            iterations, and in the
                    O �                                               �           −                                       � =                                         .
                    iteration, it does at most             −                     times of flow estimation. For each time
                    Compared to GSAMF, which solves for the exact flow amount for each construction
             Compared to GSAMF, which solves for the exact flow amount for each construction
             of  flow  estimation,  a  new  facility  of  a  certain  scale level  is  added,  which  requires
               plan, GSAMFE indeed saves time with the idea of flow estimation.
             plan, GSAMFE indeed saves time with the idea of flow estimation.
             GSAMFE to update the values of                 for all customers who are willing to visit the
               4.3 An Illustrative Example
                    In this section, we demonstrate an example of the GSAMFE algorithm to better
             newly added facility in at least one activity session. Such updating can be done in
                explain how it works. Suppose that there are three customers, three facilities, and
               two activity sessions. For each facility, there are two scale levels. The budget of the
                                     . Collectively, the total time complexity is
               construction plan B=70, and the customer demands, facility capacities, and facility
               construction costs are listed in Tables 4 and 5. In Table 6, we label the preference levels
                   O �                                               �           −                                       � =                                         .
               larger than 0 with the plus sign (+).
             Compared to GSAMF, which solves for the exact flow amount for each construction
             plan, GSAMFE indeed saves time with the idea of flow estimation.
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