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NTU Management Review Vol. 33 No. 2 Aug. 2023

                   It is shown that each of the two effort levels is increasing in the revenue sharing
               percentage ϕ  , the creator’s ability β  , the per-view payment γ provided by the sharing
               platform, the amount of the advertorial fee A, and the guaranteed proportion of the
                 4.2  MCN Company’s Contract Design under Structure I
               advertorial fee. In other words, the MCN company may incentivize a creator to work
                       Second,  by  predicting  how  the  revenue  sharing  percentages  and  advertorial
               harder by allocating more advertorial fees to her/him or leaving a larger share of total
               revenue to her/him.
                 allocation  proportion  may  affect  the  creators’  effort  levels,  the  MCN  company

                 maximizes  its  expected  profit  by  determining  the  revenue  sharing  percentages  as
               4.2 MCN Company’s Contract Design under Structure I
                   Second, by predicting how the revenue sharing percentages and advertorial
                 functions of the advertorial allocation proportion. Note that as the two creators’ success
               allocation proportion may affect the creators’ effort levels, the MCN company maximizes
                 or not jointly affect the MCN company’s profit, the two revenue sharing percentages
               its expected profit by determining the revenue sharing percentages as functions of the
               advertorial allocation proportion. Note that as the two creators’ success or not jointly affect
                 must  be  determined  simultaneously.  By  characterizing  a  necessary  and  sufficient
               the MCN company’s profit, the two revenue sharing percentages must be determined
                 condition for the profit function to be jointly concave, we derive the optimal revenue
               simultaneously. By characterizing a necessary and sufficient condition for the profit
               function to be jointly concave, we derive the optimal revenue sharing percentages      and
                 sharing percentages         and         in closed forms.
                     in closed forms.   �     �
               Proposition 2: The optimal revenue percentages left for the two creators are
                 Proposition 2. The optimal revenue percentages left for the two creators are
                                 =     �� � �       and       =      �� � �      ,        (2) (2)
                                         � �
                                                                     � �
                                  (�� �� � � )(����)     �   (�� �� � � )(��(���)�)
                                       � �
                                                                  � �
                   where q  and q  are defined in Assumption 1. Moreover, we have       increases in β  ,
                 where  q  H   and  q   are defined in Assumption 1. Moreover, we have  ϕ   increases in
                         �      L �                                              �
               and       increases in β .
                 β , and  ϕ   increases in  β .
                   �       �              �
                    It is demonstrated that when a creator’s ability β  is improved, the revenue sharing
               percentage     left for her/him will also increase. This is because the creator’s effort level
               is affected by her/his ability and the revenue sharing percentage in a multiplicative form,
                      It  is  demonstrated  that  when  a  creator’s  ability         is  improved,  the  revenue
               and thus increasing the revenue sharing percentage is more effective when the creator has
                 sharing percentage         left for her/him will also increase. This is because the creator’s
               a higher ability.     �
                 effort  level  is  affected  by  her/his  ability  and  the  revenue  sharing  percentage  in  a
                   It should also be noted that Proposition 2 is based on the condition β  β  A < 2k
               (cf. Assumption 1). If this condition does not hold, i.e., the cost of effort exertion k is
                 multiplicative  form,  and  thus  increasing  the  revenue  sharing  percentage  is  more
               too small, the MCN will find it optimal to induce the creators to exert an infinitely large
                 effective when the creator has a higher ability.
               amount of efforts. As this is not realistic in practice, we impose a technical assumption to
               eliminate this possibility.
                      It should also be noted that Proposition 2 is based on the condition                          
                                                                                   � �
                 (cf. Assumption 1). If this condition does not hold, i.e., the cost of effort exertion        is
                 too small, the MCN will find it optimal to induce the creators to exert an infinitely large
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