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 Note  that  the  decision  variable         affects         and       ,  which  are  determined independently by the two creators to maximize their own expected profits
 Note  that  the  decision  variable         affects         and       ,  which  are  determined
 independently by the two creators to maximize their own expected profits
 independently by the two creators to maximize their own expected profits

                                                                                                     = max  (             )                                      
                                                                                                                          � �
               Note  that  the  decision  variable         affects         and       ,  which  are  determined
                                                                                                       � �

                        = max  (             )                                           
                       = max  (             )                                 
                                             � �
                                            � �
                                    � �
               independently by the two creators to maximize their own expected profits
                         � �
                          � �
                                                                                                   = max  (             )                      (1        )             .

                                       = max  (             )                                      
                                                                                                                       � �
                                                             � �
                                                                                                     � �
                                         � �
                      = max  (             )                      (1        )             .  .
                     = max  (             )                      (1        )            
                                          � �
                                         � �
                                 � �
                        � �
                       � �
                                                                              3.4  Assumption
 3.4  Assumption
 3.4  Assumption
                                     = max  (             )                      (1        )             .
                                                                                  To avoid tedious derivations that do not generate managerial insights, we make
                                                          � �
                                       � �
     To avoid tedious derivations that do not generate managerial insights, we make some technical assumptions throughout this study in Assumption 1. These assumptions
    To avoid tedious derivations that do not generate managerial insights, we make   Note  that  the  decision  variable         affects         and       ,  which  are  determined
               3.4  Assumption
 some technical assumptions throughout this study in Assumption 1. These assumptions
 some technical assumptions throughout this study in Assumption 1. These assumptions are used for all three MCN-creator structures.
               Optimal Advertorial Allocation and Contract Design of a Multichannel Networks Company on Video Sharing
                    To avoid tedious derivations that do not generate managerial insights, we make
 are used for all three MCN-creator structures.                                                             ����    ���     � � ���   � �(���)
 are used for all three MCN-creator structures.
                                                                              Assumption  1.  Let  q =                                  �        and  q =
               some technical assumptions throughout this study in Assumption 1. These assumptions       �� � (����)  �   �(��(���)�)    ��
                                                � � ���
                                                         � �(���)
                                                                    and  q =
 Assumption  1.  Let  q =     ����        ���         � � ���        � �(���)    and  q =  ����  ���  � � ���  � �(���)
 Assumption  1.  Let  q =
               technical assumptions throughout this study in Assumption 1. These assumptions are used      �(����)      �  ��  .  We  assume  that  β β A < 2k ,  q ≥0 ,
                            �� � (����)
                            �� � (����)
               are used for all three MCN-creator structures.
                                                                                                                                      � �
                                                                              �� � (��(���)�)
               for all three MCN-creator structures.
                              � �(���)
                     � � ���
    ����      ���   � � ���  � �(���)  .  We  assume  that  β β A < 2k ,  q ≥0 ,  ,
                                    .  We  assume  that  β β A < 2k ,  q ≥0               �         �    �  � �      �       �    �  � �     �         �
                                                         � �
 �� � (��(���)�)  � �  �(����)  �� ��                   � �           � �     q ≥0 ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4k q ≤ (4k   
 �� � (��(���)�)
                                                                                                                     � �
                                                                                                                                  � �
                                                                                                         � �
                                                                                          � �
                                              ����     ���     � � ���   � �(���)
               Assumption  1:  Let       =                                 �        and       =
 q ≥0 ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4k q ≤ (4k    β β A )(γ    xA), and  4k q ≤ (4k    β β A )(γ    (1    x)A).
                                           �� � (����) � � �
                                                                                 � �
                                                        � � �
                              � �
                            � � �
 q ≥0 ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4kβ q ≤ 4k    β β A ,  4k q ≤ (4k           �� � � �                  �  �     �    �  � �
                           � �
                                       � �
                                                    � �
              � �
                                        � �
                                                     � �
                            � �
             � �
                                                                                                                    � �
                                                     .  We  assume  that                           ,       ≥0 ,
                   ����       ���   � � ���  � �(���)
                                        β β A )(γ    (1    x)A).
  � � � �               � �     ≤ (4k    β β A )(γ    (1    x)A).
                                       � � �
     � �
                                          � �
 β β A )(γ    xA), and  4k  � �  �  �(����) �     ��                     � �           �
 β β A )(γ    xA), and  4k q q ≤ (4k
  � �
                                       � �
  � �
               �� � (��(���)�)
                    ≥0 ,  4              ≤ 4                       ,  4              ≤ 4                       ,  4          ≤ (4       
                                                                        � �
                                             � �
                                                                                  These technical assumptions may be categorized into three groups according to
                            � �
                                           � �
                                                                     � �
                                                       � �
                              )(                ), and  4          ≤ (4                       )(        (1        )    ).
                   � �
                                                          � �
     These technical assumptions may be categorized into three groups according to their  major  implications.  In  particular,                 < 2    ,       ≥0,  and       ≥0  are  to
    These technical assumptions may be categorized into three groups according to                                   � �          �            �
                                                       � �
                 � �
                    These technical assumptions may be categorized into three groups according to their

 their  major  implications.  In  particular,                 < 2    ,       ≥0,  and       ≥0  are  to                 �        �    �  � �         �
 their  major  implications.  In  particular,                 < 2    ,       ≥0,  and       ≥0  are  to make the MCN’s profit function concave,  4              ≤ 4                         and  4              ≤
               major implications. In particular,  β  β  A < 2k, q  ≥ 0, and q  ≥ 0 are to make the MCN’s              � �           � �             � �
                                       � �
                                      � �
 make the MCN’s profit function concave,  4              ≤ 4                         and  4              ≤ 4                         are
               profit function concave,                                                                                                       are to make the probabilities for the creators to meet the target           
                                                         � � �
                                                           � �
 make the MCN’s profit function concave,  4              ≤ 4                         and  4              ≤  �  � � � �                                 � �
                    These technical assumptions may be categorized into three groups according to
                                          � �
                                                                        � �
                                                                       � �
                                                        � �
                                          � �
                                                        � �
                       4.  Equilibrium Analysis for the Independent-MCN
               to make the probabilities for the creators to meet the target β  e  and β  e  no greater than
 4                         are to make the probabilities for the creators to meet the target               H  H
 4                         are to make the probabilities for the creators to meet the target             and              no greater than 1 in equilibrium, and the last two conditions are to make the
           � �
        � � �
               their  major  implications.  In  particular,                          ,       ≥0,  and       ≥0  are  to
               1 in equilibrium, and the last two conditions are to make the revenue sharing ratios ϕ  and
                                                                                   � �
                                                                         � �
                                                                          � �
        � �
       � �
                                                       � �
                                         Structure (Structure I)
 and              no greater than 1 in equilibrium, and the last two conditions are to make the revenue sharing ratios         and         no greater than 1 in equilibrium.
 and              no greater than 1 in equilibrium, and the last two conditions are to make the     �       �
               ϕ  no greater than 1 in equilibrium.
      � �
     � �
                                                                           � �
               make the MCN’s profit function concave,  4              ≤ 4                         and  4              ≤
                                                          � �
                                                                                        � �
                                                                         � �
 revenue sharing ratios         and         no greater than 1 in equilibrium.
 revenue sharing ratios         and         no greater than 1 in equilibrium.

               4                         are to make the probabilities for the creators to meet the target           
                      We first analyze the interaction of the three players under the independent-MCN
                   4. Equilibrium Analysis for the Independent-MCN Structure
                          � �
                                                                                          � �
                       � �
                                                (Structure I)
               and              no greater than 1 in equilibrium, and the last two conditions are to make the      16
                 structure by backward induction. Once we characterize the equilibrium decisions, we
                     � �

               revenue sharing ratios         and         no greater than 1 in equilibrium.
                 interpret the results and obtain managerial implications.
                                      � 16
                    We first analyze the interaction of the three players under the independent-MCN
               structure by backward induction. Once we characterize the equilibrium decisions, we

               interpret the results and obtain managerial implications.
                 4.1  Creators’ Effort Exertion under Structure I
                      First, Given the allocation decision        and revenue sharing percentages         and
               4.1 Creators’ Effort Exertion under Structure I
                    First, Given the allocation decision x and revenue sharing percentages ϕ  and ϕ , we
                      , we derive the two players’ optimal effort levels,         and       .     H  L
               derive the two players’ optimal effort levels,      and     .   �  �
               Proposition 1: The optimal effort levels that creators should make are
                 Proposition 1. The optimal effort levels that creators should make are
                                  �   � � � � (����)       �   � � � � ���(���)��         (1) (1)
                                       =            and          =         .
                                  �                        �
                                           �                         �
                    Moreover, we have     increases in ϕ , β  , γ, A and decreases in k, where i ∈{H,L}.
                                    � e
                 Moreover, we have  e   increases in  ϕ ,  β ,  γ,  A  and decreases in  k, where i ∈ �H, L�.
               Besides,      increases in x; while      decreases in x.
                 Besides,  e   increases in  x; while  e   decreases in  x.

                     It is shown that each of the two effort levels is increasing in the revenue sharing
                 percentage      ,  the  creator’s  ability       ,  the  per-view  payment        provided  by  the
                 sharing platform, the amount of the advertorial fee      , and the guaranteed proportion of
                 the advertorial fee. In other words, the MCN company may incentivize a creator to
                 work harder by allocating more advertorial fees to her/him or leaving a larger share of
                 total revenue to her/him.
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