Page 152 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第2期
P. 152

The More, the Merrier? The Bystander Effect on Crowdfunding Platforms

                Table 5  Regression Results for the Effect of Bystander Ratio on Pledge Amount
                                           Model 1       Model 2       Model 3       Model 4
                                        Bystander ratio Pledge amount Pledge amount Pledge amount
                                          1st stage     2nd stage     2nd stage     2nd stage
               Perceived Project Quality   -0.092***      0.677*        0.661*        0.906**
                                           (0.031)       (0.351)       (0.352)       (0.365)
               Bystander Ratio (Residual)                -4.311***     -4.569***     -8.373***
                                                         (0.161)       (0.212)       (1.131)
               Bystander Ratio (Residual) *                             0.708**
               Project Legitimacy
               Bystander Ratio (Residual) *                                           1.015***
               Project Duration
               Project Legitimacy           0.020**      -0.643***     -0.644***     -0.662***
                                           (0.009)       (0.098)       (0.098)       (0.098)
               Project Duration             0.006        -0.648***     -0.675***     -0.725***
                                           (0.015)       (0.140)       (0.141)       (0.139)
               Cumulative Pledge Amount    -0.003***      0.069***      0.069***      0.069***
                                           (0.001)       (0.003)       (0.003)       (0.003)
               Constant                     0.391***      5.371***      5.465***      5.679***
                                           (0.065)       (0.601)       (0.604)       (0.597)
               N                            5,773         5,773         5,773         5,773
               Adjusted R-squared           0.017         0.224         0.224         0.225
               F-statistic                 27.71        114.01        109.19        112.25
               P-value                      0.001         0.001         0.001         0.001
               Note:  Robust standard errors are shown in parentheses. * significant at 0.1 level; ** significant at 0.05
                    level; *** significant at 0.01 level. Year, month-of-year, day-of-week and category fixed effects
                    included in the regression models but not shown in the table.

                    Model 2 to 4 of Table 5 report our second-stage results. As shown in Model 2 of
               Table 5, we find that the coefficient of bystander ratio (residual) is significantly negative
               (B = -4.311, p < 0.01), indicating that the bystander ratio is negatively associated with

               daily pledge amount. Our findings continue to hold when we add our interaction terms.
               Specifically, project legitimacy and project duration weaken the negative relationship
               between the bystander ratio and daily pledge amount, respectively (B = 0.708, p < 0.05;

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