Page 45 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 45

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

                                             4. Contribution

                   This study makes two main contributions to the CDS related literature. First, we
               provide a better estimation technique to conduct the empirical work about liquidity risk

               factor. We use an uncented Kalman filter to estimate the hazard rates under a one-factor
               square root stochastic process specification while previous studies such as Chen et al.
               (2010) or Lin, Liu, and Wu (2011) use a two-factor model to estimate the hazard rate
               and the liquidity factor separately. We believe the empirical approaches they employ to

               estimate the hazard rate and the liquidity factor are questionable because both stuides
               cannot necessarily update the hazard rate estimation. In addition, estimation results
               conducted by the uncented Kalman filter are reported to be more efficient and powerful
               than the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) used by Chen et al. (2010), or the

               Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) employed by Lin et al. (2011).
                   Second, this paper is the first to propose a joint estimation which combines CDS
               market quotations with corporate bond yield rates to estimate hazard rates. The empirical
               results demonstrate that the liquidity risk factor extracted from CDS market quotations

               combined with corporate bond yield rates has more goodness of fit than the other factor
               extracted purely from CDS market quotations when fitting traditional liquidity measure.
               We thus conclude that risk factors generated by joint estimation can be more representative
               of the market than the ones generated by separate estimation.

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