Page 125 - 臺大管理論叢第32卷第1期
P. 125

NTU Management Review Vol. 32 No. 1 Apr. 2022

               would need to focus on chatting with the viewers, responding to viewers’ questions, and
               keeping viewers excited. A sociable streamer  could focus on responding to the viewers’
               questions, showing the cooking process, and stimulating the viewers to leave a message
               even if the message is negative.  A persuasive streamer could share food features and try to

               elicit viewers’ praise. A comical streamer could encourage the viewers to leave messages
               whether the message is positive or negative and continue to chat with the viewers.
               Furthermore, to avoid measurement errors, this study suggests that the marketer should

               precisely correct the coding of the viewers’ comments and gift-sending variables based on
               the streamer behavior and gift values confirmed by the live streaming platform.

               7.4 Limitations and Future Research
                    There are a number of avenues for future work to extend the proposed HB model

               in live-streaming marketing. First, in practice, the normal distribution used in this study
               may not be appropriate to some live-streaming contexts and may need to be relaxed. The
               normal distribution implies a symmetrical relationship, which may be overly restrictive
               in some live-streaming environments. Second, in reality, the forms of live streaming on

               various Internet or mobile platforms (e.g., Facebook, YY platform, YouTube, and Twitch)
               are diverse, which may produce different effects on revenue. This study suggests that
               future research needs to consider the effects of the heterogeneity of different live-streaming
               platforms on streamer revenues. Similarly, research on live-streaming revenue will be

               affected by heterogeneity in different product types (e.g., food, sports, games). Future
               research can also investigate the impact of the heterogeneity of varying product types.
               Third, as the number of viewers increases or decreases over time during a live stream, if
               the prediction takes place before or at the start of the live stream, the number of viewers

               cannot be included as a predictor. This study recommends that future scholars who adopt
               a purely predictive approach include the number of viewers appearing at time t during the
               live stream to predict the streamer’s final revenue. Even more useful is the time series of
               the number of viewers from the start of the live stream until time t and the revenue curve

               until time t. In addition, it should be noted that the predictive models for streamer revenue
               cannot provide direct causal explanations.

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