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Our article contributes to the literature in three ways. First, in order to heed the long-

standing call for more empirical inquiries into non-western style governance systems, this

study is among the first to empirically demonstrate steward-like managers’ influence on

entrepreneurial behaviors in the context of Asian family business. Through the stewardship

perspective, we shed new light on the long-lasting debates between control versus

collaborative approaches, and contend that steward-like managers serve conditionally as a

driving force, rather than a hindrance, to the company-wide entrepreneurial orientation

(Corbetta and Salvato, 2004; Sundaramurthy and Lewis, 2003). Second, departing from the

prior wisdom on the causes of innovation (De Massis, Frattini, and Lichtenthaler, 2013), we

further unveil the black box of the innovation mechanism of family businesses by identifying

the mediating role of explorative orientation which passes on managerial stewardship to the

NPD performance. Some managerial merits, such as their decision comprehensiveness,

participative governance and long-term orientation, are found to lay the foundation of the

company-wide atmosphere of autonomy, risk readiness and proactiveness, which jointly

determine the innovative outcome of the firm. Finally, this study contributes to the family

business literature by confirming the moderating effect of family social capital. The finding

not only confirms the importance of family social capital, (Gedajlovic, Honig, Moore, Payne,

and Wright, 2013) but highlights the boundary conditions as to how managers’ stewardship

has a bearing on explorative orientation. On the other hand, the company’s connection with

external resources, through family members’ outreach, plays a significant role in fostering

corporate entrepreneurship.

Stewardship orientation (H1)

1. Comprehensive decision making

2. Participative governance

3. Long-term orientation

Explorative orientation

Family social capital

New product development




Figure 1 The Research Framework