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Hypothesis 2a: Ce t er i s par ibus , the negat i ve as soc i at i on be tween earnings

informativeness of smoothed firms and high QFIIs’ ownership is

supported in high shareholdings volatility case.

Hypothesis 2b: Ce t er i s par ibus , the negat i ve as soc i at i on be tween earnings

informativeness of smoothed firms and high QFIIs’ ownership is

mitigated in low shareholdings volatility case.

3. Research Design

3.1 Data and Sample Selection

The years 1997~2007 are chosen as the observation periods. The year of 1997 is chosen

as the starting year because the data of QFIIs ownership is available and we require six years

of financial data from which to calculate the income smoothing measure.


The sample period ends in 2007 because we need the future three years’ earnings and

stock returns to examine the earnings informativeness. The empirical data are retrieved from


Taiwan Economic Journal

(TEJ) database. Table 1 reports the sample selection process in

the study.

The total observations on the TEJ database from 1997~2007 are 14,437 firms/year.

Consistent with extant literature, finance-related institutions (Code 28) are excluded since

they are subject to different disclosing requirements. We also exclude 679 observations

which are classified into other industries (Code 99) for their diverse characteristics and 131

observations for belonging to regulated industries (Code 97). To compute discretionary

accruals, industries with fewer than ten observations in a year are excluded (Dechow, Sloan,

and Sweeney, 1995; Jones, 1991) in the coefficients estimating of the non-discretionary

accruals model. This study further deletes 5,588 observations for data unavailable in

calculating the income smoothing measure and 1,188 observations for data unavailable for

the QFIIs related variables. Further exclusions include 844 observations with data

unavailability for other control variables. The final sample consists of 5,766 observations in

empirical analysis.

2 Following the study of Tucker and Zarowin (2006), we need six years to compute the continuous five years

correlation between the change in discretionary accruals and the change in pre-discretionary income using the

current year’s and past four years’ observations. For example, we use years from 1992~1997 to calculate the

discretionary accruals variable, and then use the five years change in discretionary accruals (1993~1997) to

calculate the income smoothing measure in the year 1997.